tiistai 9. joulukuuta 2008

Ylisosiaalisille lapsille lääkitys/aivoleikkaus

On aina jauhettu epäsosiaalisten ja joukosta erottuvien/syrjäänvettäytyvien lasten väitetyistä "ongelmista". On huutava hullunkurisuus, että toinen ääripää on jätetty täysin iloman huomiota, sen ei edes uskota olevan ongelma.

Lapsista kasvaa älykkäämpiä, kun energian tuhlaus ylisosiaalisuuteen vältetään. Samalla koulukiusaus loppuisi, kun tyhmyys ei enää tiivistyisi joukossa... edut ovat valtavat, haitat olemattomat.

Kun ihmiset tottuvat lapsesta asti olemaan seuraamatta sokeasti laumaa, myös aikuisiän hirmuteot vähenisivät. Edut olisivat monoliittiset , eikun kolossaaliset.

Missä siis viipyy tutkimus aiheesta ja lääkitys/muu aivo/käytöshoito, joka tutkimuxesta väistämättä seuraisi?


Meds / brain surgery for oversocial children

There's allways been blabber about the ASSUMED problemses of dissocial and quiet children. It is jolly stupid not to give any attention to the other extreme; oversocialness is not even considered a problemo.

Kids grow up more intelligent when wasting energy into sociality is avoided. At the same time school bullying would end, when stupidity would no longer grow by the headnumber of a herd, as aphorisme says... pros are great, cons nonxistant.

When people from childhood get used to not following the herd, also monstrosities at adult age are lessened, like nazism in WW2. The benefits of limiting child oversociality would be monolithical, COLOSSAL I'd says.

So, where is study on the subject; followed by medication/other treatment/behavioral therapy, that would inevitably follow initial study?

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Meds / brain surgery for oversocial children

There's allways been blabber about the ASSUMED problemses of dissocial and quiet children. It is jolly stupid not to give any attention to the other extreme; oversocialness is not even considered a problemo.

Kids grow up more intelligent when not wasting energy into sociality is avoided. At the same time school bullying would end, when stupidity would no longer grow by the headnumber of a herd, as aphorisme says... pros are great, cons nonxistant.

When people from childhood get used to not following the herd, also monstrosities at adult age are lessened, like nazism in WW2. The benefits of limiting child oversociality would be monolithical, COLOSSAL I'd says.

So, where is study on the subject; followed by medication/other treatment/behavioral therapy, that would inevitably follow initial study?